Futurum Group

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How to Make Retirement a Positive Experience

In October we were delighted to welcome Celia Dodd, author of Not Fade Away: How to Thrive in Retirement, to join our event on Making Retirement a Positive Experience. The hour-long discussion covered modern-day retirement from all angles including: the power of planning, the importance of purpose in this next exciting stage of life and plenty of real-life examples.

The role of the employer was also explored and our live audience included Senior and Managing Partners alongside HR directors of law and accountancy firms, illustrating that supporting people into retirement is very much on the to-do list for professional services firms.

You can watch or listen to the discussion using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/j8lk_COD4NJKrJgbKNha73-R00lO4-lgVIh3kcXdsAFOe5g2T3PNebWXJ-gUwoD8.vS-Uz692wvhKGfOL Passcode: W$%d93OX